
Top 10 Basic Excel formulas for Beginner with video and Example Download

Top 10 Basic Excel formulas for Beginner with video and Example Download

If you are beginner with Microsoft Excel, these 10 basic excel formulas are the good starting point. I will explain briefly each function with formula and you can watch the video for more detail how to use earch formula along with file download.

SUM formula in Excel

SUM returns total value of adding multiple value or cells.
◾ number1: Required. Value or cell to be adding and the rest is optional.

AVERAGE formula in Excel

AVERAGE returns average value of calculate cells or values.
◾number1: Required. Value or cell to be adding and the rest is optional.

MAX formula in Excel

MAX returns the biggest value from list of values.
FORMULA: please refer to the video

MIN formula in Excel

MIN returns the smalles value from list of values.
FORMULA: please refer to the video

TODAY formula in Excel

TODAY returns value of the current date. This formula get current date that you open the file.
FORMULA: please refer to the video

UPPER formula in Excel

UPPER returns converted text value to all CAPITALIZE.

LOWER formula in Excel

LOWER returns converted text value to all small characters.

COUNTIF formula in Excel

COUNTIF returns count value with right condition.

COUNTA formula in Excel

COUNTA returns value of count all text and numbers.

ABS formula in Excel

TODAY returns absolute value of input number to be positive.

Watch to learn more in the video speak Khmer


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